Invoicing standards for Hospital La Paz supliers

The following guidelines have been established by the Hospital Universitario La Paz, with the objective of improving the Purchasing, Invoicing and payment procedures. These are of mandatory compliance for all suppliers:


1. Only requests, for any type of products (including equipment) and services, made through the requesting services listed below will generate economic obligations for the Hospital Universitario "La Paz":

Consequently, only requests that have been made by means of an order document with its corresponding number, or acceptance of the quotation in the case of services, will be accepted as valid.
The entry of articles that do not come under previous order will require the express authorization of the Managing Director of this center, declining any responsibility on those cases in which the procedures here exposed have not been followed.

2. It is understood that the supplier agrees to the conditions contained in the order (prices, reference, quantity, deadlines, place of delivery, etc.) if, within three working days of receipt of the order, he has not expressed any disagreement with any of its terms. In case of discrepancy, it must be corrected with the requesting Service before sending the goods or providing the service.

Changes in prices and/or references of purchased products must be previously authorized by the Managing Director through the Purchasing Management Service.


3. It is understood that the delivery of the goods must be made within the period indicated in the order or on the date expressly indicated (delivery schedules). Goods not received within the aforementioned period may be returned by our Warehouses.

4. The only personnel authorized to receive or return any type of merchandise and to sign the corresponding delivery notes is the person in charge of the requesting Warehouse as stated in the order, or persons authorised by him/her.  Deliveries made by any other means are therefore invalid. In the case of deliveries authorized at the Hospital's GFHs, the delivery note must be delivered to the Warehouse for registration, at the latest, on the next working day following the delivery.

5. In the case of palletized goods, only the European pallets (800 x 1200 mm) will be accepted.

6. Delivery notes, which must necessarily accompany any goods delivered, shall be presented in duplicate.  It shall be valued including any applicable taxes. They shall also clearly state the supplier's taxpayer Identification Number number (NIF) and the order number. The description and codes of the articles shown in our order document must necessarily appear. The delivered goods must match the reference requested in the order. For any claim on delivered goods, the only valid document will be the delivery note of the supplier, not being accepted for this purpose the delivery notes of the transport agencies.


7. In order to process any order, it will be an essential requirement to be registered in the Register of suppliers of the Hospital Universitario "La Paz", for which the following documentation must be submitted to the Contracting Unit (North Building, 2nd floor), or by telematic means (if an electronic signature is available), through the following e-mail address:

8. Corporate modifications (changes of name, contract transfers, mergers, transfer of companies or branches of activity, etc.): It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to comply with the contracts, supplying the products in due time (with delivery notes in its name). Delivery by a supplier other than the one contracted shall not give rise to payment for the goods.

This documentation is essential for processing orders and invoices.


9. Invoices must be submitted in electronic format (via FACe) as established in Law 25/2013, of 27 December on the Promotion of electronic invoicing and the creation of the accounting invoices registration in the Public Sector and Orden HAP 492/2014, of 27 March regulating the functional and technical requirements of the accounting register of invoices.

Nevertheless, in accordance with the provisions of art. 3 of the aforementioned Law 25/2013, of 27 December, the invoice in paper format is accepted (only in case the amount is less than €5,000.00 (VAT included), and must be addressed to:

Hospital Universitario La Paz
Register Administration Office
Paseo de la Castellana, nº 261
28046 Madrid (SPAIN).

Invoices not submitted through FACe or through the Hospital Registration office, under no circumstances will be accepted.

10. Mandatory Invoice Requirements:

11.   The following information must appear on all invoices

12. Our Financial Economic Department may be contacted via email at the following address: or at the following phone numbers:

13. The hospital's website provides information on the status of your invoices and delivery notes for the current and previous year.

All suppliers are automatically registered.  You may Access the website as follows:

14. The receipt and registration of invoices does not imply their conformity. Conformity occurs when the invoices appear in the web page in "CONCILIADA" status (ACCEPTED).